Bus Service for Wimbish
This link provides all the information about the bus service in Wimbish (https://stephensonsofessex.com/wp-content/uploads/bsk-pdf-manager/2022/07/313.314-14.07.22.pdf)
The 313/314 timetable provided by ECC is now on the updated bus stop at Tye Green. It is the same as Stephenson's one.
DART 299 does not serve Wimbish and the old DART1 and 2 services have been withdrawn. See https://www.essexhighways.org/news/new-dart-299-service
Here is the relevant ECC notice re: 299:
DaRT 299 - operates in North and West Uttlesford and West Braintree and takes passengers from Arkesdon, Bardfield Saling, Berden, Chickney, Chrishall, Clavering, Elmdon, Great Bardfield, Great Saling, Great Sampford, Langley, Lindsell, Little Bardfield, Little Easton, Little Sampford, Littlebury, Manuden, Quendon & Rickling, Strethall, Thaxted, Tilty, Wendon Lofts and Wicken Bonhunt.
Uttlesford Community Travel. This can only be accessed by people that cannot access the bus service. You must be a member (£10 a year) and pay a modest fare. Bus passes are not valid. See: https://uttlesfordcommunitytravel.org/